365 Days.  One picture each day.  This is no easy challenge.  I know because I did this 2 years ago  The
idea is simple - take at least one picture a day, post one picture to your facebook/website/twitterfeed etc. -  and there really is no right or wrong way to do it.  If you get behind on posting, do backposts.  If you can't find
anything to photograph one day, take a picture of your foot (or some other random subject).  If you realize you didn't take any pictures yesterday, oh well.  There is no 365 Day Photo Challenge police officer waiting to ticket you for breaking the rules.  The idea is simple.  BUT, the Challenge - if taken seriously - is not. 

I tend to take the "365" pretty seriously and sometimes my picture of the day is taken late at night when
I realize that I didn't take a single shot that day.  And then, I have a hard time posting a picture that doesn't have any photographic value so I spend several minutes reminding myself that photographic excellence is not the point.  And some days I'm disappointed because the picture I wanted to take that day just didn't happen.  And some days it's just hard to choose the ONE picture to post for the day.  So, why bother with a 365 Day Photo Challenge?  
    1.  It forces me to take my camera with me everyday (which I believe we should do anyway)
    2.  It reminds me to always be aware that there's more to see if I look close enough
    3.  It challenges my creativity
    4.  It gives me a visual documentation of my year and provides insight to what's important to me
Therefore, I am once again accepting the challenge to take a picture every day in the New Year, 2013.  I know the pictures I end up with will be random and they won't always be the best in terms of photographic skill, but they will always be true to the life I live.  Looking forward to a New Year of looking closely!